Cleaning a suit yourself? Here’s what you should pay attention to!

Care tips
  • Author Leonie Riek
  • Kategorie
  • Published 19. Apr 2023

Everyone is familiar with this problem. An ugly stain mars your suit trousers or jacket.

Everyone is familiar with this problem. An ugly stain mars your suit trousers or jacket. Usually, you’d have to take the respective piece of clothing to the dry cleaners as soon as possible to get the stain removed so you can wear the trousers or jacket again. This not only takes up valuable time but can also be a hassle. Above all, it costs money. However, you can avoid all of this by following our tips for cleaning a suit yourself, which is quicker, saves money and is also less hassle, provided you do it the right way.

Of course, cleaning a suit yourself always harbours certain risks, but it is nevertheless possible to clean your suit at home in your own washing machine. If you keep to a few important rules, it shouldn’t be a problem. It is possible to clean your suit jacket and trousers and to make them presentable again without resorting to having them professionally dry cleaned.

Bügeln der Kleidung

Wenn du diese Regeln befolgst, sollte ein Bügeln der Kleidung nicht erforderlich sein. Falls du doch die eine oder Knitterfalte entdeckst, und zum Bügeleisen greifen musst, solltest du ein feuchtes Baumwolltuch zwischen Kleidungsstück und Bügeleisen legen

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